Eugenics Laboratory Memoirs 7: Rhodes, Edmund Cecil. 1921. On the Relationship of the Condition of the Teeth in Children to Factors of Health and Home Environment (London: Cambridge University Press). 80 pp.
Prefatory Note by Karl Pearson, pp. v–vi. This project was undertaken by Rhodes in 1911–12, and Pearson’s preface stresses the value of slow project development. Memoir 7 is frequently recorded wrongly. This is because Pearson advertised a different publication as Memoir 7 ‘shortly’ to appear in endpapers from 1910 (i.e. Memoir 8) through 1920 (i.e. Lecture 12). That missing publication was Ethel Mary Elderton (1909) ‘The Influence of Parental Occupation and Home Conditions on the Physique of the Offspring’. This was not published as such, but elements were published as Memoir 10.