The Francis Galton Laboratory for National Eugenics (GLNE) began in 1907 at University of London, University College, under the directorship of Professor Karl Pearson (1857-1936). Pearson’s intent was the creation of an independent research centre to shift eugenics away from a topic of anecdote and towards a quantitative and rigorous science capable of producing strong policy advice built upon rigorous research. (Farrall discusses the creation of GLNE.) The Laboratory also was known as the Eugenics Laboratory, and later as the Galton Laboratory. 

Under Pearson’s direction, the Eugenics Laboratory and its sister group, the Biometric Laboratory, produced five series of research publications directly engaged with eugenics, with other series occasionally used for publishing eugenics research.

Series interval numbers or parts
Eugenics Laboratory Lecture Series 1909-27 14
Eugenics Laboratory Memoirs 1907-66 42 (18 unique)
Treasury of Human Inheritance 1909-58 24
Questions of the Day and of the Fray 1910-23 12

In addition, Pearson founded two academic research journals. Annals of Eugenics launched in 1925. Biometrika included eugenics research and analysis, though this was not the journal’s main focus for authors other than Pearson. After Pearson stepped down as editor of Biometrika, the journal focused largely on statistical theory.

Pearson also oversaw publications of the Biometric Laboratory, many of which advanced his eugenics agenda. This included Studies in National Deterioration (1906-24 with 11 parts or numbers).

Comprehensive list of publications for Eugenics Laboratory

For a comprehensive list of publications associated with the Eugenics Laboratory, see: