The Biometric Laboratory began in 1902 at University of London, University College, under the directorship of Professor Karl Pearson (1857-1936). Farrall discusses the creation of the Biometric Laboratory. There is considerable cross-over of publications published under the Biometric Laboratory and the Francis Galton Laboratory for National Eugenics (=Eugenics Laboratory, =Galton Laboratory).

Under Pearson’s direction, the Biometric Laboratory produced three series of research publications. These combined Pearson’s interest in statistical theory, applied statistics, and eugenics.

  Publishing interval Number of articles to 1936 Pearson as author or named co-author of articles
Biometrika* 1901- 477 114 (24%)
Annals of Eugenics** 1925-[1933] 63 14 (22%)
Series through Biometric Laboratory      
Drapers Company Research Memoirs. Technical Series 1904-1918 7 6 (86%)
Drapers Company Research Memoirs. Biometric Series 1904-1922 12 12 (100%)
Drapers Company Research Memoirs. Studies in National Deterioration 1906-1924 11 5 (45%)

* – Biometrika continues in print. The count for this table covers volumes 1 (1901) through 28 (1936). For “number” the count refers to articles and memoirs; the count excludes editorials, reviews and miscellany. Biometrika included eugenics research and analysis, though this was not the journal’s main focus for authors other than Pearson. After Pearson stepped down as editor of Biometrika, the journal focused largely on statistical theory.

** – Annals of Eugenics was renamed Annals of Human Genetics in 1954. The count for Annals covers articles published 1925-1933, while Pearson served as editor. He published no articles in this journal thereafter. The count is for articles only.

Under Pearson’s directorship, the Biometric Laboratory also produced many other publications to promote use of statistical analysis. These have yet to be catalogued. 

A comprehensive list of publications associated with the Francis Galton Laboratory for National Eugenics (=Eugenics Laboratory, =Galton Laboratory) also is available.