Evolution. Sewall Wright Taught Me, volume 1. Edited by Joe Cain. ISBN 9781906267025
Catalogue | Euston Grove Press

Evolution: Sewall Wright Taught Me, volume 1 | EGP

Sewall Wright taught throughout his long career. Between 1926-1955, he worked at the University of Chicago. During this time, he developed and taught both undergraduate and graduate courses. By the early 1930s, Wright’s teaching load […]

Genetics: Sewall Wright Taught Me, volume 2. Edited by Joe Cain. ISBN 9781906267032
Catalogue | Euston Grove Press

Genetics: Sewall Wright Taught Me, volume 2 | EGP

Sewall Wright taught throughout his long career. Between 1926-1955, he worked at the University of Chicago. During this time, he developed and taught both undergraduate and graduate courses. By the early 1930s, Wright’s teaching load […]