Legacies of Eugenics project
Eugenics Laboratory Memoirs

Court Brown, et al. (1966) Chromosome Studies on Adults

Eugenics Laboratory Memoirs 42: Court Brown, William Michael, Patricia A. Jacobs, Karin E. Buckton, Ishbel M. Tough, E. V. Kuenssberg, and J. D. E. Knox. 1966. Chromosome Studies on Adults (London: Cambridge University Press, for […]

Legacies of Eugenics project
Eugenics Laboratory Lectures

Pearson (1912) Tuberculosis, Heredity and Environment

Eugenics Laboratory Lectures number 8: Pearson, Karl. 1912. Tuberculosis, Heredity and Environment; Being a Lecture Delivered at the Galton Laboratory for National Eugenics, 12 March 1912 (London: Dulau and Co.). 46 pp. Eugenics Laboratory Lectures […]

Legacies of Eugenics project
Eugenics Laboratory Lectures

Pearson (1914) On the Handicapping of the First-Born

Eugenics Laboratory Lectures number 10: Pearson, Karl., 1914. On the Handicapping of the First-Born; Being a Lecture Delivered at the Galton Laboratory, University College, London, March 17, 1914. With Frontispiece and Four Diagrams(London: Dulau and […]