#01 Smart Gadgets Ask A Lot From Us | WeAreSTS

WeAreSTS - A Podcast from UCL Department of Science and Technology Studies (STS), hosted by Professor Joe Cain.

STS student, Nuzhah Miah, interviews Dr Jack Stilgoe about Evgeny Morozov’s 2014 book, To Save Everything Click Here, asking him why it’s recommended reading for new students coming into UCL Department of Science and Technology Studies (STS). The publisher’s description reads: “Our gadgets are getting smarter. Technology can log what we buy, customize what we consume and enable us to save and share every aspect of our existence. In the future, we’re told, it will even make public life – from how we’re governed to how we record crime – better. But can the digital age fix everything? Should it? By quantifying our behaviour, Evgeny Morozov argues, we are profoundly reshaping society – and risk losing the opacity and imperfection that make us human.”

The book they discussed:

Evgeny Morozov (2014) To Save Everything Click Here: Technology, Solutionism, and the urge to fix problems that don’t exist (Penguin).

This interview took place in August 2020.




  • Nuzhah Miah
    student in UCL Department of Science and Technology Studies (STS)


Music credits

Podcast information

“WeAreSTS” is a production of the Department of Science and Technology Studies (STS) at University College London (UCL). To find out more, and to leave feedback about the show, visit us online:


Students and staff in STS also can find on the website information about how to get involved with our programme.

Editing and post-production by Professor Joe Cain.

“WeAreSTS” producer is Professor Joe Cain.

Twitter: @stsucl #WeAreSTS