Euston Grove Press is an independent small publisher located in London, United Kingdom. We published our first book in 2007. We publish original books and pamphlets, as well as quality facsimile editions. We sell our books worldwide.
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Euston Grove was a small street in London. Today, Euston Grove is little more than a roundabout for buses outside Euston mainline railway station. Reginald Wynn Owen’s arresting 1921 memorial to railway men and women lost in war dominates the view.
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The image we use in our logo is from a 19thC engraving by H. Bond after Thomas Hosmer Shepherd – “London and Birmingham Railway Terminus – Euston Square” – dated c. 1850. The view is north-facing from the centre of Euston Grove through Euston Place and towards the Propylaeum and screen. It was produced for Thomas Dugdale’s book, England and Wales Delineated. Dugdale was a director of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway.
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Professor Joe Cain is editor and owner of the company.