Nature of Gothic: A Chapter from The Stones of Venice (John Ruskin) | EGP

Richard Coeur de Lion statue. 1856
John Ruskin. 1853. The Nature of Gothic
John Ruskin. 1853. The Nature of Gothic: A Chapter from The Stones of Venice.

The famous essay by John Ruskin, The Nature of Gothic, first appeared as a chapter in his 1853 The Stones of Venice. This chapter proved immensely popular and took on a life of its own. It helped define style and fashion for a generation, affecting architecture, manufacture, and design. His essay added fuel to another phase of the Gothic Revival in Britain. Ruskin inspired William Morris, and this volume includes a preface by Arts and Crafts designer William Morris, added to a reprint first published in 1889.


John Ruskin was a nineteenth century artist and designed whose vision reached to the Medieval period in Europe as the source of craftsmanship and meaning.


Ruskin, John. 1853. The Nature of Gothic: A Chapter from The Stones of Venice (London: Euston Grove Press), 90 pages. 2011 facsimile of 1889 reprint of Ruskin’s 1853 essay.

ISBN 9781906267070 (paperback)
Recommended price: £5.99 | $9.50
dimensions: 6″ x 9″ (inches)
dimensions: 154 x 229 (mm)
A digital edition is available via Internet Archive.

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