Evolution: A Journal of Nature – contents listed, sorted by issue number

Evolution - A Journal of Nature - sample covers

This page lists articles appearing in Evolution: A Journal of Nature with contents sorted by issue, then author. This data is available as an Endnote file (Evolution – A Journal of Nature – Complete Table of Contents – Endnote Library).

contents sorted by issue number

EJN volume 1 number 1 (December 1927)

anonymous. 1927. Bamboo [gorilla infant in Philadelphia Zoo]. EJN 1 (1): 4.

———. 1927. A Cyclopian Human Race. EJN 1 (1): 12.

———. 1927. The English Row. EJN 1 (1): 10.

———. 1927. On Enemy Territory. EJN 1 (1): 11.

———. 1927. Ours Not the Only Universe. EJN 1 (1): 12.

———. 1927. Radioactivity in the Heart. EJN 1 (1): 4.

———. 1927. Some Books Worth Reading. EJN 1 (1): 13.

———. 1927. What is the Science League of America? EJN 1 (1): 12.

Bridges, Horace J. 1927. Science Will Be Free. EJN 1 (1): 9.

Broms, Allan Strong. 1927. book review: Henshaw Ward. Evolution for John Doe. EJN1 (1): 13.

editor. 1927. Funnymentals. EJN 1 (1): 11.

———. 1927. Our Name; Our Policy; Fundamentalists Announce New Campaign. EJN 1 (1): 8.

Gregory, William K. 1927. The Testimony of Man’s Teeth. EJN 1 (1): 3-4.

Ingalls, Albert G. 1927. Environment’s the Thing. EJN 1 (1): 9.

———. 1927. From Mules? EJN 1 (1): 8.

———. 1927. John Daniel, 2nd [gorilla in Philadelpiha Zoo]. EJN 1 (1): 6.

———. 1927. Those Ignorant Americans. EJN 1 (1): 8.

Jordan, David Starr. 1927. Who Believes in Evolution? [Part 1]. EJN 1 (1): 2+.

Ketterfeld, Ludwig Erwin. 1927. book review: Maynard Shipley. The War on Modern Science. EJN 1 (1): 13.

———. 1927. book review: William Montgomery Brown. My Heresy: The Autobiography of An Idea. EJN 1 (1): 13.

Lummox, Rev. Porphyry [pseudonym]. 1927. A Battle Cry to True Fundamentalists. EJN 1 (1): 10.

Lyons, Barrow. 1927. Ethics Coming of Age – An Informal Interview with Harry Allen Overstreet, Professor of Philosophy, College of the City of New York. EJN 1 (1): 7.

Shipley, Maynard. 1927. Predicting by Evolution. EJN 1 (1): 6.

Ward, Henshaw. 1927. What is Evolution? EJN 1 (1): 5-6.

EJN volume 1 number 2 (January 1928)

anonymous. 1928. Another Tennessee Case? EJN 1 (2): 9.

———. 1928. Are You a Street Speaker? EJN 1 (2): 12.

———. 1928. Does Success Breed Children? EJN 1 (2): 10.

———. 1928. Science Service. EJN 1 (2): 12.

———. 1928. Synthetic Food. EJN 1 (2): 12.

Bennett, Jesse Lee. 1928. Marshaling Ignorance. EJN 1 (2): 9.

Brewster, Edwin Tenney. 1928. He Knows, But He Won’t Tell. EJN 1 (2): 8.

Broms, Allan Strong. 1928. book review: Edwin Tenney Brewster. Creation, A History of Non-Evolutionary Theories. EJN 1 (2): 13.

———. 1928. How Old is the World? EJN 1 (2): 10.

Dorsey, George A. 1928. Man’s Complete History. EJN 1 (2): 2.

editor. 1928. Arkansas Next?; Neither Highbrow Nor Lowbrow; Man’s Blood Cousin: The Gorilla; Dangerous Doctrine. EJN 1 (2): 8.

———. 1928. From Our Readers. EJN 1 (2): 14.

———. 1928. Funnymentals. EJN 1 (2): 11.

———. 1928. Meet Our Cartoonist: Nate Collier. EJN 1 (2): 12.

Goldenweiser, Alexander. 1928. Man and Nature. EJN 1 (2): 3.

Herbst, Josephine. 1928. book review: Clement Wood. The Outline of Man’s Knowledge. EJN 1 (2): 13.

Hester, Robert F. 1928. Evolution in South Carolina. EJN 1 (2): 11.

Hibschman, Harry. 1928. Is Evolution A Guess. EJN 1 (2): 4.

Ingalls, Albert G. 1928. The Monkey and the Movie. EJN 1 (2): 12.

Jordan, David Starr. 1928. Meaning of Evolution [Part 2]. EJN 1 (2): 5-6.

Ketterfeld, Ludwig Erwin. 1928. The Best Book on Evolution. EJN 1 (2): 13.

Lyle, Bob. 1928. A Prayer [poem]. EJN 1 (2): 13.

———. 1928. What of It? [poem]. EJN 1 (2): 14.

Shipley, Maynard. 1928. The Origin of Land Vertebrates. EJN 1 (2): 6.

Stern, Bernhard J. 1928. Man: A Walking Museum of Antiquities. EJN 1 (2): 7.

EJN volume 1 number 3 (February 1928)

anonymous. 1928. Debate in New Orleans. EJN 1 (3): 12.

———. 1928. Evolution Lost [report on debate between Dr Newman Dorland and Harry Rimmer]. EJN 1 (3): 12.

Broms, Allan Strong. 1928. How Old Is the World? The Evidence from Radio-activity. EJN 1 (3): 10.

Dorsey, George A. 1928. Life, Love and Civilization. EJN 1 (3): 7.

editor. 1928. From Our Readers. EJN 1 (3): 14.

———. 1928. Funnymentals. EJN 1 (3): 11.

———. 1928. Once More We Say It [editorial policy]; Darwin Was Right; Nashville. EJN 1 (3): 8.

England, Howell S. 1928. Debating Evolution in North Carolina. EJN 1 (3): 11.

Goldenweiser, Alexander. 1928. How Charles Darwin and Alfred A. [sic] Wallace Discovered Evolution. EJN 1 (3): 2.

Hibschman, Harry. 1928. book review: Henshaw Ward. Charles Darwin: The Man and his Warfare. EJN 1 (3): 13.

Howard, Shafter. 1928. Tennessee – or – They Can’t Make a Monkey Out of Me [lyrics]. EJN 1 (3): 12.

Keith, Arthur. 1928. [letter of suppert from Arthur Keith to editor is reproduced]. EJN 1 (3): 9.

Lyons, Barrow. 1928. Science Bridges Gaps in Evolution of Man. EJN 1 (3): 4-5.

McNair, Albert Duy. 1928. Slow Evolution Versus Fast Evolution. EJN 1 (3): 13.

Shipley, Maynard. 1928. The Origin of Reptiles and Birds. EJN 1 (3): 12.

Stern, Bernhard J. 1928. How Man Differs from the Ape. EJN 1 (3): 5.

Untermann, Ernest. 1928. Infinity at Bay. EJN 1 (3): 8.

Uphof, H. C. Th. 1928. Eightieth Anniversary of Hugo De Vries. EJN 1 (3): 3.

Ward, Henshaw. 1928. What Can Children Inherit? EJN 1 (3): 6-7.

Williams, J. Leon. 1928. What Caused Noah’s Flood? EJN 1 (3): 9.

Work, John M. 1928. There Are Others Who Can’t Tell. EJN 1 (3): 8.

EJN volume 1 number 4 (March 1928)

anonymous. 1928. Chemistry to Control Life. EJN 1 (4): 15.

Barnes, Harry Elmer. 1928. Evolution and the New Perspective of Life Purposes. EJN 1 (4): 7.

Broms, Allan Strong. 1928. book review: OJ Schuster. Other Worlds. EJN 1 (4): 13.

———. 1928. How Old is the World? EJN 1 (4): 10.

CHM. 1928. In the Beginning [poem]. EJN 1 (4): 8.

Dorsey, George A. 1928. Is This Me? EJN 1 (4): 4-5.

editor. 1928. A Dinner in Your City Too?; Pussy-footing; Below the Belt; Confidential Questionnnaire. EJN 1 (4): 8.

———. 1928. From Our Readers. EJN 1 (4): 14.

———. 1928. Funnymentals. EJN 1 (4): 12.

Goldenweiser, Alexander. 1928. Thomas H. Huxley and Peter Kropotkin. EJN 1 (4): 3.

Herrera, Alphonse [A. or L.?]. 1928. Spheric Mirror Shows Human-Ape. EJN 1 (4): 6.

Kraatz, Walter C. 1928. Evolution and Evolution Theories. EJN 1 (4): 11.

Lyle, Bob. 1928. [untitled poem: “To use the human reason…”]. EJN 1 (4): 14.

Muller, Hermann J. 1928. X-Rays Stimulate Variation [abstact of 27 January 1928 paper appearing in Science, “The Effrects of X-radiation on genes and chromosomes”]. EJN 1 (4): 5.

Shipley, Maynard. 1928. What Evolution Means to You? EJN 1 (4): 9.

Simkins, Cleveland Sylvester. 1928. A Greater Danger Than Evolution. EJN 1 (4): 13.

Stern, Bernhard J. 1928. How Man Differs from the Ape. II. Psychologically. EJN 1 (4): 4.

Ward, Henshaw. 1928. The Maze of Species. EJN 1 (4): 2.

Whitaker, Robert. 1928. My Ancestors [poem]. EJN 1 (4): 12.

EJN volume 1 number 5 (April 1928)

anonymous. 1928. Did Life Begin? [except from Herald-Tribune, 10 June 1927]. EJN 1 (5): 10.

———. 1928. The Verdict of College Presidents. EJN 1 (5): 9.

Broms, Allan Strong. 1928. How Old is the World? EJN 1 (5): 6-7.

Calverton, V. F. 1928. The Universal Truth of Evolution. EJN 1 (5): 8-9.

Davis[?], J. C. 1928. So That’s How It Was [poem]. EJN 1 (5): 12.

Dewey, John. 1928. [letter of support]. EJN 1 (5): 8.

Dorsey, George A. 1928. Let Man Do It! EJN 1 (5): 3.

editor. 1928. The Beebe Collection [Mr and Mrs J.O. Beebe]. EJN 1 (5): 10.

———. 1928. Bread and Butter Value of Evolution. EJN 1 (5): 9.

———. 1928. Debates – The More the Better; Scientific “Snobbery”; There’s a Difference. EJN 1 (5): 8.

———. 1928. Evolution Dinners. EJN 1 (5): 9.

———. 1928. From Our Readers. EJN 1 (5): 14.

———. 1928. Funnymentals. EJN 1 (5): 12.

England, Howell S. 1928. Proposal to Cross Man and Ape. EJN 1 (5): 5.

Goldenweiser, Alexander. 1928. Ernst Haeckel and the Ontogenetic Law. EJN 1 (5): 2-3.

GT. 1928. The He-Man [poem, with illustration]. EJN 1 (5): 12.

Harding, T. Swann. 1928. The Snobbery of Science. EJN 1 (5): 11.

Macpherson, W. C. 1928. Evolution and Morals. EJN 1 (5): 14.

McNair, A. Duy. 1928. Bob Taylor’s Geography Story. EJN 1 (5): 12.

Munro, Hugh F. 1928. Proofs of Evolution from Geology and Palaeontology. EJN 1 (5): 7+.

Shadle, Albert R. 1928. book review: W. A. Williams. Evolution Disproved. EJN 1 (5): 13.

Shipley, Maynard. 1928. The Original of Mammals. EJN 1 (5): 4-5.

EJN volume 1 number 6 (July 1928)

anonymous. 1928. Anti-Evolution Law Proposed in Arkansas. EJN 1 (6): 9.

———. 1928. It Is Up To Man. EJN 1 (6): 5.

———. 1928. It’s in the Point of View [poem]. EJN 1 (6): 8.

———. 1928. A New Style in Roosters. EJN 1 (6): 10.

Brewster, Edwin Tenney. 1928. A Clerical Juggler. EJN 1 (6): 9.

Broms, Allan Strong. 1928. book review: Charles Darwin. The Origin of Species. EJN 1 (6): 13.

———. 1928. How Old is the World? EJN 1 (6): 4-5.

Dorsey, George A. 1928. It Is Up To Man. EJN 1 (6): 5.

editor. 1928. From Our Readers. EJN 1 (6): 14.

———. 1928. Funnymentals. EJN 1 (6): 14.

———. 1928. Three Martyrs to Science [Adrian Stoker, Hideyo Noguchi, and William Alexander Young]; How to Word a Will; Teachers in Trouble; Evolution for Farm Animals; In Enlightened New England; A Pernicious Practice. EJN 1 (6): 8.

Goldenweiser, Alexander. 1928. book review: Frances Mason. Creation By Evolution. EJN 1 (6): 12.

———. 1928. Spencer and the Synthetic Philosophy. EJN 1 (6): 2-3.

McCabe, Joseph. 1928. Another Chance for Crusaders. EJN 1 (6): 8-9.

McNair, A. Duy. 1928. The Evolution Issue. EJN 1 (6): 11.

Munro, Hugh F. 1928. Man’s Fossil History. EJN 1 (6): 7.

Shipley, Maynard. 1928. The Present War Against Evolution. EJN 1 (6): 10-11.

Simkins, Cleveland Sylvester. 1928. Why Amoeba Behaves. EJN 1 (6): 6-7.

Smith, Langdon. 1928. Evolution [poem]. EJN 1 (6): 12.

Ward, Henshaw. 1928. The Nebraska Tooth. EJN 1 (6): 3.

Wood II, Horace Elmer. 1928. book review: L. T. More. The Dogma of Evolution. EJN 1 (6): 13.

EJN volume 1 number 7 (August 1928)

anonymous. 1928. Clergymen as Scientific Men. EJN 1 (7): 7.

———. 1928. The Horned Dinosaur Triceratops. EJN 1 (7): 3.

Boins, Eddie. 1928. Evolooshn [story]. EJN 1 (7): 12.

Brewster, Edwin Tenney. 1928. Our Jokesmith Stumped. EJN 1 (7): 12.

Broms, Allan Strong. 1928. Paramecium, the Slipper Animalcule; Microscopes; The Cell Unit of Life. EJN 1 (7): 11.

———. 1928. book review: Glenn C. Forrester. The Falls of Niagara. EJN 1 (7): 13.

———. 1928. Brains: How Come? Part I. EJN 1 (7): 2-3.

de Schweinitz, Karl. 1928. book notice. Karl de Schweinitz. Growing Up. EJN 1 (7): 13.

editor. 1928. Arkansas Battle Begins; Henshaw Ward Writes New Series. EJN 1 (7): 8.

———. 1928. From Our Readers. EJN 1 (7): 14.

———. 1928. Funnymentals. EJN 1 (7): 12.

———. 1928. Illustrated Evolution Lecture. EJN 1 (7): 13.

———. 1928. More X-Ray Experiments. EJN 1 (7): 13.

England, Howell S. 1928. Remarkable Case of Atavism Among Pigeons. EJN 1 (7): 10.

Gunderson, Alfred. 1928. The Story of Plant Evolution. EJN 1 (7): 5.

Kraatz, Walter C. 1928. Mastodon Facts vs. Fundamentalist Fancies. EJN 1 (7): 6.

Linton, Edwin. 1928. The Scientific Method. EJN 1 (7): 10.

Munro, Hugh F. 1928. Vestigal Organs. EJN 1 (7): 4-5.

Riley, W. B. 1928. The Fundamentalist Challenge. EJN 1 (7): 9.

Whitcomb, Paul S. 1928. Letter from a Fundamentalist. EJN 1 (7): 12.

EJN volume 1 number 8 (September 1928)

Barnes, Harry Elmer. 1928. How the War on Fundmentalism Began. EJN 1 (8): 10.

Brewster, Edwin Tenny. 1928. Parson vs. Pedagog [excerpt]. EJN 1 (8): 8.

Broms, Allan Strong. 1928. Amoeba, the One-celled; the Falling Leaves; Circulation of the Blood. EJN 1 (8): 11.

———. 1928. book review: Karl de Schweinitz. Growing Up. EJN 1 (8): 13.

———. 1928. book review: N.K. McKechnie. Heir of All the Ages. EJN 1 (8): 13.

———. 1928. Brains: How Come? Part II. EJN 1 (8): 6-7.

———. 1928. McGregor Reconstructs Ancient Man. EJN 1 (8): 3-4.

Dederer, Pauline H. 1928. Noah on Evolution [poem]. EJN 1 (8): 12.

editor. 1928. From Our Readers. EJN 1 (8): 12.

———. 1928. From Schoolboy Science Papers. EJN 1 (8): 12.

———. 1928. Funnymentals. EJN 1 (8).

———. 1928. We Greet the RPA [Rationalist Press Association]; Twenty States to Vote on Evolution; They’d Call a Spade a Spoon; Just a Suggestion. EJN 1 (8): 8.

Lucas, Frederick A. 1928. The Animals of the Past. EJN 1 (8): 5-6.

Lyle, Bob. 1928. The Choice [poem]. EJN 1 (8): 12.

McCabe, Joseph. 1928. Frogs Without Fathers. EJN 1 (8): 9.

Ward, Henshaw. 1928. The Proofs of Evolution [Part 1]. EJN 1 (8): 2-3.

Whitenack, Oscar O. 1928. Undermining Our Educational System. EJN 1 (8): 8-9.

EJN volume 1 number 9 (October 1928)

anonymous. 1928. The Plated Lizard Stegosaurus. EJN 1 (9): 7.

Brewster, Edwin Tenney. 1928. Getting Worse and Worse. EJN 1 (9): 12.

Broms, Allan Strong. 1928. How Seeds Travel; The Wheeled Animalcule. EJN 1 (9): 11.

———. 1928. book review: Edwin Tenney Brewster. This Puzzling Planet. EJN 1 (9): 13.

———. 1928. Brains: How Come? Part III. EJN 1 (9): 6-7.

Clemmer, Edward Grieg. 1928. Would You Let A Preachers Cut Out Your Appendix? EJN 1 (9): 12.

editor. 1928. Arkansas Adopts Anti-evolution Law; Danger In Democracy; Isn’t This Against the Law?; Religious Liberty?; To Whom It May Concern; Why Not? EJN 1 (9): 8.

———. 1928. A Correction [to ‘Circulation of the Blood’ article in issue 8]. EJN 1 (9): 10.

———. 1928. From Our Readers. EJN 1 (9): 12.

———. 1928. Funnymentals. EJN 1 (9): 12.

———. 1928. Joseph McCabe [biography]. EJN 1 (9): 10.

Hall, Covington. 1928. The Supreme Law [poem]. EJN 1 (9): 3.

Holmes, S. J. 1928. A Lesson from Lop-Sided Crabs. EJN 1 (9): 4.

Ketterfeld, Ludwig Erwin. 1928. book review: Arthur Garfield Hays. Let Freedom Ring. EJN 1 (9): 13.

———. 1928. Statement of the Ownership, Management, Circulation, etc. EJN 1 (9): 14.

Lucas, Frederick A. 1928. The Earliest Backboned Animals. EJN 1 (9): 5.

Lyle, Bob. 1928. [To Use the Human Reason] [poem]. EJN 1 (9): 12.

McCabe, Joseph. 1928. Tampering With Tadpoles. EJN 1 (9): 10.

McKechnie. 1928. Twigs From the Family Tree [Part 1]. EJN 1 (9): 9+.

Munro, Hugh F. 1928. Mind and Morals. EJN 1 (9): 3.

Ward, Henshaw. 1928. The Proofs of Evolution [Part 2]. EJN 1 (9): 2-3.

EJN volume 1 number 10 (November 1928)

Broms, Allan Strong. 1928. Bird’s Feet; Ice Signs. EJN 1 (10): 11.

———. 1928. Brains: How Come? Part IV. EJN 1 (10): 4.

editor. 1928. The Coming Convention [AAAS]. EJN 1 (10): 13.

———. 1928. From Our Readers. EJN 1 (10): 14.

———. 1928. Funnymentals. EJN 1 (10): 14.

———. 1928. Let It Be Books. EJN 1 (10): 13.

———. 1928. Let’s Co-operate; Our Policy; Our Cover; The Greatist in History; Pernicious Practice Exposed; Convincing Proof; Unconstitutional?; Hold February Seventh Open; At Least He’s No Pussyfooter. EJN 1 (10): 8.

———. 1928. Salute Frank Masek. EJN 1 (10): 12.

———. 1928. Three Questions [survey]. EJN 1 (10): 12.

Lucas, Frederick A. 1928. Fossil Footprints. EJN 1 (10): 5.

Lyle, Bob. 1928. Enforce It, By All Means. EJN 1 (10): 15.

———. 1928. In the Jungles of Tennessee. EJN 1 (10): 13.

Lyons, Barrow. 1928. The Great Crime Against Education. EJN 1 (10): 9.

McCabe, Joseph. 1928. Looking Before and After. EJN 1 (10): 11.

McKechnie, N. K. 1928. Twigs from the Family Tree [Part 2]. EJN 1 (10): 10.

Shipley, Maynard. 1928. The War Against Evolution. EJN 1 (10): 12.

Ward, Henshaw. 1928. The Proofs of Evolution [Part 3]. EJN 1 (10): 6-7.

Williams, J. Leon. 1928. New Evidence of Man’s Relationship to the Anthropoid Apes. EJN 1 (10): 2-3.

Wood II, Horace Elmer. 1928. Scientists at Work: William King Gregory. EJN 1 (10): 7.

EJN volume 2 number 1 (January 1929)

Broms, Allan Strong. 1929. Brains: How Come? Part V. EJN 2 (1): 4.

———. 1929. Life in Cold Storage; Twinkling Stars; Winter Coats; Celebrate Darwin Anniversary; Shall We Publish ‘The Proofs of Evolution’ as a Pamphlet? EJN 2 (1): 11.

editor. 1929. Convention Reports; A Resolution Needed; Almost Two to One; Ideas to Clash in New York; Of Interest to Scientist; ‘The Fight is Just Begun’. EJN 2 (1): 8.

———. 1929. Evidence of Degeneracy. EJN 2 (1): 13.

———. 1929. From Our Readers. EJN 2 (1): 14.

———. 1929. Funnymentals. EJN 2 (1): 13.

———. 1929. The Verdict of Science [reply to survey in number 10]. EJN 2 (1): 10.

Gosling, Frank. 1929. The Golden Law [poem]. EJN 2 (1): 6.

Gregory, William K. 1929. The Origin of Man from the Anthropoid Stem. When and Where? [Part 2]. EJN 2 (1): 2-3.

Lucas, Frederick A. 1929. Rulers of the Ancient Seas. EJN 2 (1): 5.

Lyons, Barrow. 1929. The Text Book Hoax. EJN 2 (1): 9-10.

McCabe, Joseph. 1929. How Long Will the World Last? EJN 2 (1): 7.

McKechnie, N. K. 1929. Twigs from the Family Tree. EJN 2 (1): 12-13.

Simkins, Cleveland Sylvester. 1929. Man Carries His Past With Him. EJN 2 (1): 6.

Wood II, Horace Elmer. 1929. book review: William Jennings Bryan. The Menace of Darwinism. EJN 2 (1): 13.

EJN volume 2 number 2 (March 1929)

Broms, Allan Strong. 1929. The Constellation Orion; Your Blind Spot; Broms to Lecture; The Proofs of Evolution. EJN 2 (2): 11.

Clemmer, Edward Grieg. 1929. The Anthropoid Apes. EJN 2 (2): 6.

editor. 1929. Evolution Anniversary Dinner Saturday April Thirteenth. EJN 2 (2): 9.

———. 1929. From Our Readers. EJN 2 (2): 11.

———. 1929. Funnymentals. EJN 2 (2): 15.

———. 1929. Lucas, Frederic Augustus [obituary]. EJN 2 (2): 5.

———. 1929. Number Twelve; No February Issue; The Test of Truth; The Great Debate; Getting into Action; Important to Humanity [by F.A.E. Crew]. EJN 2 (2): 8.

———. 1929. Premature Hosannahs. EJN 2 (2): 12.

Fisher, Clyde. 1929. New Worlds in the Making. EJN 2 (2): 2-3.

Gregory, William K. 1929. The Origin of Man from the Anthropoid Stem. When and Where? [Part 2]. EJN 2 (2): 3-4.

Lucas, Frederick A. 1929. Sea Serpents and Such. EJN 2 (2): 5-6.

Lyons, Barrow. 1929. Scientist Act for Freedom. EJN 2 (2): 9.

Matthew, W. D. 1929. From Bad to Worse [poem]. EJN 2 (2): 14.

Shipley, Maynard. 1929. Activities of Science League. EJN 2 (2): 10.

———. 1929. Fundamentalism in England and America. EJN 2 (2): 10.

Wood, Florence Dowden. 1929. Plant Evolution. EJN 2 (2): 7.

Wood II, Horace Elmer. 1929. book review: Frederick Tilney. The Brain from Ape to Man. EJN 2 (2): 13.

EJN volume 2 number 3 (April 1929)

Broms, Allan Strong. 1929. Spring Flowers. EJN 2 (3): 11.

———. 1929. Brains: How Come? Part VI. EJN 2 (3): 4.

Clemmer, Edward Grieg. 1929. The Earliest Men. EJN 2 (3): 6-7.

editor. 1929. Funnymentals. EJN 2 (3): 14.

———. 1929. In Defense of Honesty; Expired?; Riley Seems a Little Riled; Woman Reared by Apes; Hail Street Speakers; NY Evolution Dinner Friday, April 26th.; Broms Lectures; An Optimist [poem; author unknown]. EJN 2 (3): 8.

Gregory, William K. 1929. The Origin of Man from the Anthropoid Stem. When and Where? [Part 3]. EJN 2 (3): 3-4.

———. 1929. Our Face from Fish to Man [excerpts: Preface by WKG, and Foreword by William Beebe]. EJN 2 (3): 10-11.

Lucas, Frederick A. 1929. Dragons of the Air. EJN 2 (3): 5.

McCabe, Joseph, W. B. Riley, and Justice John Ford (chair). 1929. McCabe-Riley Evolution Debate [stenographic record; on question: “That Evolution is True and Should Be Taught in the Schools”; Part 1]. EJN 2 (3): 2, 12-14.

Shipley, Maynard. 1929. Mammals that Lay Eggs. EJN 2 (3): 7.

Wood II, Horace Elmer. 1929. book review: William King Gregory. Our Face from Fish to Man. EJN 2 (3): 10.

EJN volume 2 number 4 (July 1929)

Broms, Allan Strong. 1929. book review: George T.W. Patrick. What is Mind? EJN 2 (4): 13.

———. 1929. Brains: How Come? Part VII. EJN 2 (4): 4-5.

Cheney, Ralph H. 1929. Are There ‘Missing Links’ in Plants? EJN 2 (4): 2-3.

Clemmer, Edward Grieg. 1929. The Lost Race of Neanderthal. EJN 2 (4): 6-7.

editor. 1929. Funnymentals. EJN 2 (4): 15.

———. 1929. Skip May and June; Is Evolution a Creed?; World League for Sexual Reform; If You Change Your Address; Corrections; Invest in Education; Welcome, Queen Silver; Crowded Out. EJN 2 (4): 8.

Lucas, Frederick A. 1929. The Earliest Bird [Archaeopteryx]. EJN 2 (4): 5, 7.

Mark, M. 1929. More Truth Than Poetry [poem]. EJN 2 (4): 8.

McCabe, Joseph, W. B. Riley, and Justice John Ford (chair). 1929. McCabe-Riley Evolution Debate [Part 2]. EJN 2 (4): 9-12.

Pope, Philip H. 1929. Amphioxus [lyrics]. EJN 2 (4): 7.

Shipley, Maynard. 1929. How the Shark Gave Man His Teeth. EJN 2 (4): 3-4.

Wood II, Horace Elmer. 1929. book review: Francis P. LeBuffe. Human Evolution and Science. EJN 2 (4): 13-14.

EJN volume 2 number 5 (August 1929)

anonymous. 1929. Who Would? [poem]. EJN 2 (5): 13.

Brewster, Edwin Tenney. 1929. Off With The False Whiskers. EJN 2 (5): 9.

Broms, Allan Strong. 1929. Plant or Animal – Which? EJN 2 (5): 11+ (end seems to be missing from issue).

———. 1929. book review: Frederick A. Cleveland. Modern Scientific Knowledge. EJN 2 (5): 13.

———. 1929. Brains: How Come? Part VIII. EJN 2 (5): 4-5.

Clemmer, Edward Grieg. 1929. The Super-Men of Cro-Magnon. EJN 2 (5): 3.

Dederer, Pauline H. 1929. The Life Story of an Eel. EJN 2 (5): 2.

editor. 1929. Evolution Lectures [course of 10 lectures]. EJN 2 (5): 11.

———. 1929. How It Happened [Postscript to McCabe-Riley debate]. EJN 2 (5): 12.

———. 1929. If You Have a New Address; That Truth May Prevail; Mechanist Versus Vitalist; Regarding ‘The Cause’; An Event We Enjoyed; Skip September; Give It To Your Friends; Two Expeditions Study Apes in Africa; To Supply Libraries; Attention, Teachers; Promoting Evolution. EJN 2 (5): 8, 10.

Foss, Sam Walter. 1929. The Calf Path [poem]. EJN 2 (5): 10.

Hrdlicka, Ales. 1929. Our Growing Knowledge of Man. EJN 2 (5): 9.

Kraatz, Walter C. 1929. The Duck-billed Platypus. A Rhyme. EJN 2 (5): 11.

Lucas, Frederick A. 1929. When Birds Had Teeth. EJN 2 (5): 5-6.

McCabe, Joseph, W. B. Riley, and Justice John Ford (chair). 1929. Evolution: Fact or Fake? [conclusion of McCabe-Riley Evolution Debate. Part 3]. EJN 2 (5): 6-7, 12.

Shipley, Maynard. 1929. book review: A. Hyatt Verrill. Old Civilizations of the New World. EJN 2 (5): 13.

EJN volume 3 number 1 (June 1930)

anonymous. 1930. New Evidence on Close Relationship of Men and Monkeys. EJN 3 (1): 9.

———. 1930. The Story of Niagara. EJN 3 (1): 10-11.

Brewster, Edwin Tenney. 1930. Fundamentalist Follies. EJN 3 (1): 12.

Broms, Allan Strong. 1930. The Man Ape of Taungs. EJN 3 (1): 8-9.

———. 1930. Why Does Evolution Branch Out?; Are Birthmarks Caused by Fright?; Is There a Seat of Life?; Who Is He? EJN 3 (1): 18.

Conklin, Edwin G. 1930. Present Problems of Evolution. EJN 3 (1): 5-6.

editor. 1930. Bryan University; Another Lie Nailed; The World Fair; An Ape Farm; Prizes of From $50-$200. EJN 3 (1): 12.

———. 1930. Funnymentals. EJN 3 (1): 19.

Huxley, Thomas Henry. 1930. A Real Education. EJN 3 (1): 2.

Keegan, J. Cylde. 1930. My Concern [poem]. EJN 3 (1): 19.

Ketterfeld, Ludwig Erwin. 1930. In Resuming Publication of Evolution. EJN 3 (1): 2.

———. 1930. Statement of Ownership, Management, etc. EJN 3 (1): 19.

Muller, Hermann J. 1930. How Evolution Works [originally a public lecture on ‘The Method of Evolution’] [Part 1]. EJN 3 (1): 3-4, 14-17.

Shipley, Maynard. 1930. book review: Harold Jeffreys. The Earth: Its Origin, History, and Physical Constitution. 2nd edition. EJN 3 (1): 13.

Wittrock, G.L. 1930. How Did Plants Begin? EJN 3 (1): 6-7.

EJN volume 3 number 2 (February 1931)

anonymous. 1931. book review: H. S. Jennings. The Biological Basis of Human Nature. EJN 3 (2): 17.

———. 1931. book review: Harlow Shapley. Flights from Chaos, and Sir James Jeans. The Mysterious Universe. EJN 3 (2): 17.

———. 1931. book review: Sir Peter Mitchell. Materialism versus Vitalism in Biology, and Carl F. Kraft. Spirazines. EJN 3 (2): 17.

Bastin, Edson S. 1931. How Long Ago? EJN 3 (2): 8-9.

Brewster, Edwin Tenney. 1931. The Order of Creation; Evolution and the Murder Rate. EJN 3 (2): 18.

Broms, Allan Strong. 1931. The Great Calendar. EJN 3 (2): 10-11.

———. 1931. Nature’s Humble Plowmen. EJN 3 (2): 17.

———. 1931. Niagara versus Chicago; The ‘Missing Link’ Again. EJN 3 (2): 16.

Carpenter, F. M. 1931. Evolution of Insects. EJN 3 (2): 4-5.

editor. 1931. Aborigines of Stone Age; Best Evolution Pamphlet; Again – Our New Address; New Subscription Rates; The Journal of Heredity; To Teachers of Biology; If You’ve Moved. EJN 3 (2): 9.

———. 1931. Broms on the Air. EJN 3 (2): 5.

———. 1931. Funnymentals. EJN 3 (2): 19.

———. 1931. A New Chapter Begins; More than Twenty Thousand New Readers; A Certain Professor Has Refused; What Darwin’s Life Has Meant; In Our Next. EJN 3 (2): 2.

———. 1931. Who He Was [Etheridge]. EJN 3 (2): 18.

Jeans, Sir James Hopwood. 1931. Man’s Day Begins. EJN 3 (2): 6.

Muller, Hermann J. 1931. How Evolution Works [Part 2]. EJN 3 (2): 12-16.

Shapley, Harlow. 1931. The Range of the Universe [excerpt from Shapley. 1930. “Flights from Chaos”]. EJN 3 (2): 3-4.

Shipley, Maynard. 1931. Is Man Blood-Cousin to the Ape? EJN 3 (2): 7.

Whitney, Dudley Joseph. 1931. Three Views of Creation. EJN 3 (2): 19.

EJN volume 3 number 3 (June 1931)

Brewster, Edwin Tenney. 1931. Science and the Legal Mind. EJN 3 (3): 18.

Broms, Allan Strong. 1931. book review: Benjamin C. Gruenberg. The Story of Evolution; Burton P. Thom. From Dust to Life. EJN 3 (3): 18.

———. 1931. New York in the Ice Age. EJN 3 (3): 12-13.

———. 1931. Question Box. EJN 3 (3): 17.

Dederer, Pauline H. 1931. Boners from Zoology Exams. EJN 3 (3): 9.

———. 1931. What Sharp Eyes See. EJN 3 (3): 16.

editor. 1931. Broms on the Air. EJN 3 (3): 13.

———. 1931. Evolution’s Staff of Contributing Editors; Friends of Science Teaching; Opposition to Evolution; The Greatest Science Gathering; Re-inforcements Welcome; Huxley on Education. EJN 3 (3): 2.

———. 1931. Funnymentals. EJN 3 (3): 19.

———. 1931. Statement of the Ownership, Management, Circulation, etc. EJN 3 (3): 19.

Fenton, Carroll Lane. 1931. book review: John Hodgdon Bradley, Jr. Parade of the Living. EJN 3 (3): 19.

Gregory, William K. 1931. In the Land of the Gorilla. EJN 3 (3): 3-4.

Hrdlicka, Ales. 1931. What is Man Becoming? EJN 3 (3): 15-17.

McKee, Ralph H. 1931. Improving on Nature. EJN 3 (3): 10-11.

Muller, Hermann J. 1931. How Evolution Works [Part 3]. EJN 3 (3): 6-9.

Raven, Henry C. 1931. Hunting the Gorilla. EJN 3 (3): 4-5.

Shipley, Maynard. 1931. The Ethics of Evolution. EJN 3 (3): 14.

Wood II, Horace Elmer. 1931. book review: George Barry O’Toole. The Case Against Evolution. EJN 3 (3): 18-19.

EJN volume 3 number 4 (May 1932)

anonymous. 1932. High School Biology Teachers; In Making Your Will; Public Libraries. EJN 3 (4): 9.

Brewster, Edwin Tenney. 1932. No Transitional Forms? EJN 3 (4): 14.

Broms, Allan Strong. 1932. book reivew: Maynard Shipley. The Key to Evolution. EJN 3 (4): 13.

———. 1932. Scientific Jawbreakers. EJN 3 (4): 15.

———. 1932. The Spring Sap. EJN 3 (4): 12.

———. 1932. The Tale of the Horse [script of radio address]. EJN 3 (4): 5-7.

Dederer, Pauline H. 1932. How They Argued. EJN 3 (4): 15.

editor. 1932. Funnymentals. EJN 3 (4): 15.

———. 1932. More Boners from Exams. EJN 3 (4): 15.

———. 1932. Two Additions to Evolution’s Editorial Staff; In Resuming Publication; New Evidence for Evolution; Science Congresses. EJN 3 (4): 2.

Fenton, Carroll Lane. 1932. Book Chat. EJN 3 (4): 13-14.

Hegner, Robert. 1932. Parasitology Shows Kinship of Monkey and Man. EJN 3 (4): 8-9.

Munro, Hugh F. 1932. The Story of the Grand Canyon. EJN 3 (4): 10-11.

Shipley, Maynard. 1932. book review: Ernest A. Hooton. Up from the Ape. EJN 3 (4): 13.

Ward, Henshaw. 1932. What Made the Flowers? EJN 3 (4): 3-5.

Wells, H. Gideon. 1932. Biochemistry Supports Evolution. EJN 3 (4): 11-12.

EJN volume 4 number 1 (June 1937)

anonymous. 1937. Pressure from the Pulpit; Symposium on Early Man. EJN 4 (1): 9.

Benedict, Ralph C. 1937. A Lesson in Variation. EJN 4 (1): 10-11.

Brewster, Edwin Tenney. 1937. From Cold to Warm Blood. EJN 4 (1): 15.

Broms, Allan Strong. 1937. book review: Henry Norris Russell. The Solar System and Its Origin. EJN 4 (1): 14.

———. 1937. book review: William King Gregory and H. C. Raven. In Quest of Gorillas. EJN 4 (1): 14.

———. 1937. Mammoths and Mastodons. EJN 4 (1): 8-9.

Carpenter, F. M. 1937. Early Views on Fossils. EJN 4 (1): 13.

Dederer, Pauline H. 1937. Robin the Thrush. EJN 4 (1): 12.

editor. 1937. Boners from Exams. EJN 4 (1): 15.

———. 1937. Funnymentals. EJN 4 (1): 15.

Gregory, William K. 1937. Nature’s Upstart: Homo sapiens. EJN 4 (1): 3-4, 6.

Ketterfeld, Ludwig Erwin. 1937. Three of Evolution’s Most Ardent Supporters; What’s in a Name? A Personal Word. EJN 4 (1): 2.

Orenstein, Lucy. 1937. Filterable Viruses. EJN 4 (1): 12.

Riddle, Oscar. 1937. The Confusion of Tongues. EJN 4 (1): 5-6.

Ward, Henshaw. 1937. Evolution Remains Darwinian. EJN 4 (1): 11-12.

Woodbury, A. M. 1937. An Evolutionary Time Scale. EJN 4 (1): 7-8.

EJN volume 4 number 2 (January 1938)

anonymous. 1938. The Borderland of Life. EJN 4 (2): 12-13.

———. 1938. Mosquito Music. EJN 4 (2): 14.

———. 1938. Speeding Up Evolution. EJN 4 (2): 12.

———. 1938. What Snares Sun-Energy? EJN 4 (2): 13.

Bretz, J. Harlen. 1938. The Glacial Period [Part 1]. EJN 4 (2): 7-8+.

Brewster, Edwin Tenney. 1938. Clerical Embryology. EJN 4 (2): 15.

Bright, Garnett Russell. 1938. The Shasta Daisy. EJN 4 (2): 13.

Broms, Allan Strong. 1938. book review: Clyde Fisher. Exploring the Heavens. EJN 4 (2): 10-11.

———. 1938. book review: George W. Gray. The Advancing Front of Science. EJN 4 (2): 11.

———. 1938. book review: Mark Graubard. Biology and Human Behavior. EJN 4 (2): 11.

Camp, Charles L. 1938. Prehistoric Life in California. EJN 4 (2): 3-4.

Darrah, William C. 1938. Fossil Plants and Evolution. EJN 4 (2): 5-6.

Dederer, Pauline H. 1938. Animals of Land and Sea. EJN 4 (2): 9-10.

editor. 1938. Boners from Exams. EJN 4 (2): 15.

———. 1938. Bricks and Bouquets [letters to editor]. EJN 4 (2): 15.

———. 1938. Funnymentals. EJN 4 (2): 15.

———. 1938. A Peep Show [upcoming articles]. EJN 4 (2): 4.

Gardnier, Elmer William. 1938. The Monkey’s Paw [poem]. EJN 4 (2): 14.

Gregory, William K. 1938. In Praise of Natural History [poem]. EJN 4 (2): 9.

Ketterfeld, Ludwig E. 1938. Evolution’s Editorial Family is Growing; Some Very Fancy Pussyfooting; An Invitation to Biology Teachers. EJN 4 (2): 2.

USDA. 1938. Is This Where Life Begins? [H. H. McKinney’s research]. EJN 4 (2): 6-7.

Washton, Nathan S. 1938. Collecting Insects; Examining Insects; Darwin and the Beetle. EJN 4 (2): 14.
