Eoörnis pterovelox gobiensis (Eoornis) | EGP

Eoörnis pterovelox gobiensis (Eoornis)

Eoornis petrovelox gobiensis cover 9781906267056Meet Eoörnis (Eoornis), the woofen-poof. As the author explains, ‘Through countless ages and successive civilizations this remarkable bird has been the symbol of speed, stamina, grace of line, proportion of members, and beauty of motion.’ Here are the origins of the phrase, ‘graceful as a bird.’

This short monograph on Eoornis has become a classic ‘burlesque’ in the history of ornithology. Not a hoax. Not a mistake. It’s a raucous, now legendary, adventure through the zoology and natural history of a most unusual creature. For years, it has travelled quietly through scientist circles, handed down with a wink and a nod. If nothing else, Eoörnis shows the passion and dedication scientists have for their subject.

Eoornis was written in the 1920s by Augustus C. Fotheringham, a pseudonym for Lester W. Sharp and Cuthbert Bancroft Fraser, this monograph has circulated far and wide. For years, it has moved quietly through scientist circles, handed down with a wink and a nod. If nothing else, Eoörnis shows the passion and dedication scientists have for their subject.


Augustus C. Fotheringham (pseudonym for Lester W. Sharp).


Fotheringham, Augustus C. 1928. Eoörnis pterovelox gobiensis (London: Euston Grove Press), 50 pages. 2007 facsimile edition.
ISBN 9781906267056 (paperback)


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A digital edition is available via Internet Archive.