HPSC0155 Science Communication Final Project

HPSC0155 Science Communication Final Project

The Master’s degree culminates in a science communication project of the student’s own design. This project is documented by a project proposal in Term 3 and a final product submitted near the end of the […]

HPSC0081 Science in the Nineteenth Century

HPSC0081 Science in the Nineteenth Century (Teaching)

The nineteenth century saw the origin of much of what we might identify as “modern” scientific and technological research and practice. Laboratories, factories explorations, empires – all had scientific significance and all were paramount in […]

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HPSC0097 Dissertation

Postgraduate taught students in UCL Department of Science and Technology Studies (STS) undertake summer research projects resulting in dissertations or research reports. Professor Joe Cain supervises some students in this work, as do all academic […]

HPSC0044 Science and the Publishing Industry, a course taught by Professor Joe Cain at UCL Department of Science and Technology Studies (STS)

HPSC0044 Science and the Publishing Industry (Teaching)

The publishing industry is enormous. It shapes science communication in fundamental ways. This module investigates publishing. How does it work? How does it enable, constrain, and challenge science communication? The module covers a wide range […]