ProfJoeCain answers question from UCL Talking Heads: Who is your favourite person from history?

Who Is Your Favourite Person from History?

UCL Talking Heads asked me to answer some questions about student life and teaching at the university. In this film, I answer the question, “Who Is Your Favourite Person from History?” This is a project for UCL. […]

T.T. Martin Headquarters, Anti-Evolution League at 1925 Scopes Monkey Trial

Scopes Monkey Trial 1925: Innes Lecture 2020

For the Innes Lecture 2020, I discussed the 1925 Scopes Monkey Trial. Owing to COVID-related public health restrictions, we moved this lecture online. Details on access now are available through the John Innes Centre. The […]

Students protest at University College London (UCL) during scandal over London Conference on Intelligence (LCI) January 2018

Eugenics at University of Puget Sound (UPS)

Colleagues at the University of Puget Sound (UPS) have developed a course to explore the history and legacy of eugenics in their community. This draws on an interdisciplinary team of tutors and some highly energetic students. […]

Evolution. Sewall Wright Taught Me, volume 1. Edited by Joe Cain. ISBN 9781906267025
Catalogue | Euston Grove Press

Evolution: Sewall Wright Taught Me, volume 1 | EGP

Sewall Wright taught throughout his long career. Between 1926-1955, he worked at the University of Chicago. During this time, he developed and taught both undergraduate and graduate courses. By the early 1930s, Wright’s teaching load […]

Genetics: Sewall Wright Taught Me, volume 2. Edited by Joe Cain. ISBN 9781906267032
Catalogue | Euston Grove Press

Genetics: Sewall Wright Taught Me, volume 2 | EGP

Sewall Wright taught throughout his long career. Between 1926-1955, he worked at the University of Chicago. During this time, he developed and taught both undergraduate and graduate courses. By the early 1930s, Wright’s teaching load […]