Legacies of Eugenics project
Eugenics Laboratory Lectures

Pearson (1909) The Groundwork of Eugenics

Eugenics Laboratory Lectures number 2: Pearson, Karl. 1909. The Groundwork of Eugenics (London: Dulau and Co.). 39 pp. Second edition is 1912. Eugenics Laboratory Lectures number 2 Pearson, Karl. 1909. The Groundwork of Eugenics (external […]

Legacies of Eugenics project
Eugenics Laboratory Lectures

Elderton (1909) The Relative Strength of Nurture and Nature

Eugenics Laboratory Lectures number 3: Elderton, Ethel M. 1909. The Relative Strength of Nurture and Nature (London: Dulau and Co.). 40 pp. Includes two Appendices: Appendix A, ‘Home Conditions and Eyesight’, by Karl Pearson (noted as […]

Legacies of Eugenics project
Eugenics Laboratory Lectures

Elderton (1909) On the Marriage of First Cousins

Eugenics Laboratory Lectures number 4: Elderton, Ethel M. 1909. On the Marriage of First Cousins (London: Dulau and Co.). 39 pp. Eugenics Laboratory Lectures number 4 Elderton, Ethel M. 1909. On the Marriage of First […]

Legacies of Eugenics project
Eugenics Laboratory Lectures

Pearson (1909) The Problem of Practical Eugenics

Eugenics Laboratory Lectures number 5: Pearson, Karl. 1909. The Problem of Practical Eugenics (London: Dulau and Co.). 38 pp. Based on a course of lectures given in May 1909. Reprinted 1910. Second edition is 1912. […]

Legacies of Eugenics project
Eugenics Laboratory Lectures

Pearson (1927) The Right of the Unborn Child

Eugenics Laboratory Lectures number 14: Pearson, Karl. 1927. The Right of the Unborn Child; Being a Lecture Delivered on November 13, 1926 to Teaching from the London County Council Schools (London: Cambridge University Press). 26 […]

Legacies of Eugenics project
Eugenics Laboratory Lectures

Pearson (1921) Side Lights on the Evolution of Man

Eugenics Laboratory Lectures number 13: Pearson, Karl. 1921. Side Lights on the Evolution of Man; Being a Lecture Delivered at the Royal Institution, Friday, May 14, 1920 (London: Cambridge University Press). 27 pp. This paper […]

Legacies of Eugenics project
Eugenics Laboratory Lectures

Pearson (1919) The Function of Science in the Modern State

Eugenics Laboratory Lectures number 12: Pearson, Karl. 1919. The Function of Science in the Modern State, second edition (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press). 97 pp. First published as Karl Pearson. 1902. ‘The Function of Science in […]